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Book Review

Etch of a Promise

by Karen Rigby

In the romance novel "Etch of a Promise", a burgeoning couple is compelled to work through their personal and psychological challenges together. In Ruby M. Holder’s romance novel "Etch of a Promise", an upbeat tradesman and a troubled... Read More

Book Review

Occupant #3

by John M. Murray

In the surrealistic dystopian novel "Occupant #3", a man enters a hellish viral experiment in the hopes of securing a massive payout. In Kevin Moccia’s science fiction novel "Occupant #3", a needy veteran becomes part of a nightmarish... Read More

Book Review

Deep Light

by John M. Murray

Set in space, "Deep Light" is a methodical science fiction novel in which a black hole experiment forces people to confront unspeakable horrors. In Dennis Martineau’s science fiction novel "Deep Light", a space station dedicated to the... Read More

Book Review

The Wandering Quilt

by Karen Rigby

In the folksy mystery novel "The Wandering Quilt", a quilt that’s touched by the supernatural inspires a woman’s awakening. An exquisite, handmade southern quilt rattles a woman and her family in Dawn D. Bennett-Alexander and Renée... Read More

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