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Reviews of Books Priced $17.95

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that are available for $17.95.

Book Review

The Diapause

by Ryan Prado

"The Diapause", Andrew Forbes’s speculative fiction treatise on a postplague world, is both a grim look at the dark side of survivalist psychosis and a heartbreaking love letter to the disappearing worlds around us. Gabe is an only... Read More

Book Review

The Propagandist

by Meg Nola

In Cécile Desprairies’s disquieting historical novel "The Propagandist", a woman reflects on her mother’s experiences as a World War II collaborator. Coline, Lucie’s youngest daughter, contrasts her mother’s duplicitous past... Read More

Book Review


by Eileen Gonzalez

Tragedy strikes a dysfunctional Turkish German family in Fatma Aydemir’s searing novel "Djinns". Hüseyin worked hard his entire life so he could bring his family back to his homeland in style. He dies only a week after accomplishing... Read More

Book Review

The Hungry and the Haunted

by Bella Moses

The intimate short stories of Rilla Askew’s "The Hungry and the Haunted" illuminate lives touched by grief, guilt, and social change. Set in Oklahoma and the American Southwest during the 1970s and told across multiple perspectives,... Read More

Book Review

The Sapling Cage

by Jeana Jorgensen

A trans woman guards her secrets and fights dark powers in Margaret Killjoy’s novel "The Sapling Cage". Lorel wants to become a witch, learn to use magic, and travel the world. But she was assigned male at birth, and witches are always... Read More

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