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Book Review

Eugene Nadelman

by Jeff Fleischer

In Michael Weingrad’s slim, nostalgic literary novel "Eugene Nadelman", a nerdy Jewish boy comes of age in 1980s Philadelphia. Eugene shares his first name, and the book its format, with Alexander Pushkin’s novel-in-verse Eugene... Read More

Book Review

Where Love Lies

by Lynne Jensen Lampe

With the support of others, an abused woman comes into her own in the revealing bildungsroman "Where Love Lies". A loving family, financial privilege, fashionable clothes, and academic success offer no protection against insecurity and a... Read More

Book Review

Cinnamon Beach

by Isabella Zhou

In Suzanne Kamata’s novel "Cinnamon Beach", a man’s death brings together the grieving women in his family for a summer of self-reflection and discovery. To spread the final portion of Ted’s ashes, his family gathers along the... Read More

Book Review

G̱agaan X̱'usyee

by Matt Sutherland

The pieces of what’s left of a people colonized need caretaking, lionizing, and encouragement to come out into the sun. The job is left to poets who are also warriors. Descending from Alaska’s Lingít, Haida, and Yup’ik Native... Read More

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