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2023 HONORABLE Mention for Mystery

2023 HONORABLE Mention for Business & Economics

Book Review

Arlen's Gun

by Mari Carlson

In the historical novel Arlen’s Gun, a traumatized gunner soldiers through a taxing war. In Edgar Doleman’s historical novel Arlen’s Gun, a second-choice air force gunner defends an impromptu fort in Vietnam. Arlen is a... Read More

2022 HONORABLE Mention for Humor

Book Review

The Hammerhead Chronicles

by Eileen Gonzalez

In Scott Gould’s novel "The Hammerhead Chronicles", cycling teaches a depressed man how to cope with life, though not in the way he expected. On the day that his almost-ex-wife Peg died, Claude bought a bicycle. It is the only good... Read More

Book Review

Day Dreamer

by Leah Webster

"Day Dreamer" is a familiar love story between a human girl and a mythical being. A vampire lover and a mysterious man fall hard for each other in Thanya Olenyk’s young adult novel "Day Dreamer". Evangeline is talented at keeping her... Read More

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