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Book Review

The Musician

by Delia Stanley

"The Musician" is an intimate novel that takes place in the spaces where art and madness overlap. In Douglas Gardham’s novel "The Musician", a gifted performer attempts to outrun his past, only to find it catching up with him when he... Read More

Book Review

On Wings of a Lion

by Wendy Hinman

"On Wings of a Lion" is an exciting historical romance set during the Iranian Revolution. Susan Wakeford Angard’s thrilling historical romance "On Wings of a Lion" unfolds amid heart-pumping action in revolutionary Iran. In 1978,... Read More

Book Review


by Claire Foster

"Apart" is a soapy thriller packed with action scenes and spattered in blood. C. J. Pastore’s fast, dramatic thriller "Apart" follows a young couple who are menaced by a vengeful Russian gangster. With exciting scenes and stimulating... Read More

Book Review

The Treehouse

by Mya Alexice

"The Treehouse" is earnest, sweet, and charming as it works through the struggles of its shining lead character. Randi Triant’s insightful character-focused novel "The Treehouse" finds an intertwined cast dealing with relationships,... Read More

2017 GOLD Winner for Business & Economics

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