Sara Budzik, Book Reviewer

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Book Review

Van Laven Chronicles

by Sara Budzik

A fresh guilty-pleasure series, this powerful story is the perfect marriage of science fiction and romance. Science fiction, along with a nod to the ancient world, brings unique settings and characters to Tyler Chase’s romance, Van... Read More

Book Review

Egg Heaven

by Sara Budzik

The physical world and internal universe of Parks’s characters are given equal attention, and the overall impression is a brief but complete portrait of what happens beyond sorrow. Strong characters immersed in gentle moments of great... Read More

Book Review

Chasing Water

by Sara Budzik

This is a book of balance—delivered with appreciated measures of integrity and clarity. Brian Richter finds the right balance of urgency and optimism in dealing with the global issue of water management in the accessible and... Read More

Book Review

Corporate Messiah

by Sara Budzik

Spadoni’s book boldly goes where even sci-fi has rarely gone before. Angelo Spadoni blends real science with clever fiction to tell the story of Miles Manta, an intelligent and persuasive leader planning to enact world peace through a... Read More

Book Review

Mission: Mother Earth

by Sara Budzik

At the heart of Benishai’s writing is the knowledge that there is a genuinely impressive person devoting his life to healing the planet. Geobiology—as a broad term for mystic, natural, and supernatural interplay on a... Read More

Book Review

Rending the Garment

by Sara Budzik

Schneberg’s poetry is both a quiet reflection on the brevity of life and a celebration of how full it is. “In Jewish ritual clothes are torn in mourning.” This sentence precedes Willa Schneberg’s title poem in "Rending the... Read More

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