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109 results for price: 26.99

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Book Review

We Are the Crisis

by George Hajjar

What if monsters were real, and everyone knew it? The second book in a series, Cadwell Turnbull’s fantasy novel "We Are the Crisis" uncovers deep truths concerning human nature. An invisible space-time traveler narrates, oscillating... Read More

Book Review

The Fascination

by Michelle Anne Schingler

Essie Fox’s novel "The Fascination" is a scintillating cabinet of curiosities. Theo—whose mother died in childbirth and whose father is, for him, a question mark—grows up love-deprived, hidden on a country estate whose grandeur... Read More

Book Review

Peaceful Waters

by Aleena Ortiz

A novel about healing, "Peaceful Waters" follows as a woman seeks the personal power of accepting a great loss. In Anne Hutcheson’s novel "Peaceful Waters", a woman deals with the unexpected loss of her boyfriend. Donovan committed... Read More

Book Review

Under the Java Moon

by Karen Rigby

In Heather B. Moore’s illuminating novel "Under the Java Moon", a Dutch family is sent to a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp. Inspired by a woman who lived in Batavia (now Jakarta, Indonesia) when she and the women in her family were... Read More

Book Review

Red Clay Suzie

by Paula Martinac

In the evocative historical novel "Red Clay Suzie", a teenager’s growing awareness of his sexual orientation clashes with his conservative surroundings and makes him a timeless and empathetic hero. Jeffrey Dale Lofton’s quiet... Read More

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