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Book Review


by Vivian Turnbull

Victoria McCombs’s young adult novel "Oathbound" is filled with danger, romance, and a good dose of piracy. Emme is running out of time. Sick with the same disease that killed her father, her only hope lies in retrieving the Elmber Nut... Read More

Book Review

Sketchy Characters

by Karen Rigby

In the serpentine mystery novel "Sketchy Characters", a woman adopts a blurry definition of what’s righteous to triumph over threats. In Sheila McGraw’s macabre mystery novel "Sketchy Characters", a woman investigates her friend’s... Read More

Book Review

A Month of Murder

by Delia Stanley

In the small town mystery novel "A Month of Murder", no one can be trusted, and the past always reemerges. In David Baker’s mystery novel "A Month of Murder", brutal murders and generational crimes plague a small town. In Yorkshire’s... Read More

Book Review

Creative Acrylics

by Sarah White

"Creative Acrylics" offers would-be artists an easy and colorful introduction to the medium. Painting with acrylics may seem daunting, but it is actually one of the more accessible painting options: painters don’t need a lot of tools... Read More

Book Review

Plastic Girl

by Nancy Powell

"Plastic Girl" is a compelling cautionary tale set in a world where climate change has been taken to its logical extremes. In Jessica Maison’s young adult climate change novel "Plastic Girl", a teenager possesses the power to create... Read More

Book Review

Face the Night

by John M. Murray

In the supernatural thriller "Face the Night", a determined mother battles paranormal and mundane criminals, all to protect her son. In Alan Lastufka’s taut horror novel "Face the Night", a single mother fights for custody of her son... Read More

Book Review

Ghosts of New York

by Karen Rigby

In Jim Lewis’s wondrous novel "Ghosts of New York", encounters among strangers result in unexpected relationships, and a montage that celebrates a city of manifold graces. Lewis’s observant, gradual stories are linked by recurrent... Read More

Book Review

The Awakening

by John M. Murray

In the supernatural novel The Awakening, a New Orleans couple is placed in fresh mortal peril because of vampires. In Buffy M. Brinkley’s thrilling fantasy novel "The Awakening", a detective settles into domestic bliss before a series... Read More

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