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Book Review

Best Nest

by Karen Rigby

Instilling appreciation for wildlife in its audience, "Best Nest" is a fun and educational picture book that focuses on avian habitats. Lyndsay Wasko’s vibrant picture book "Best Nest" combines ornithology and splendid illustrations to... Read More

Book Review


by Ryan Prado

An edifying, lesson-filled historical novel, "Olivia" focuses on a girl’s efforts to make her community an equitable one. Covering a decades-long path toward social equality, Alejandro Benavides’s inspired historical novel "Olivia"... Read More

Book Review

The Message

by Kristine Morris

Thick with philosophical and spiritual arguments, the allegorical novel "The Message" follows a man’s efforts to discern between good and evil forces. In Nunis Vyner Robert’s spiritual novel "The Message", cosmic entities recruit a... Read More

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