1. Book Reviews
  2. Books Published April 2, 2014

April 2, 2014

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published April 2, 2014. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in April 2014.

Book Review


by Jessica S. Council

Embarking on an adventure across the universe, a couple shares their experience of love with angels, aliens, and humans alike. "Antivion" by Richard Sills is the continuation of Surooval and Norma’s romantic love story from Lanethros,... Read More

Book Review

Mission: Mother Earth

by Sara Budzik

At the heart of Benishai’s writing is the knowledge that there is a genuinely impressive person devoting his life to healing the planet. Geobiology—as a broad term for mystic, natural, and supernatural interplay on a... Read More

Book Review

How a Mirage Works

by Margaret Fedder

Acting as both the asker and the one giving herself answers, poet Beverly Burch imbues self-wisdom into her words through vivid detail. With her second collection of poetry, award-winning Beverly Burch offers a rich and compelling view... Read More