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  2. Books Published November 1, 2012

November 1, 2012

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published November 1, 2012. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in November 2012.

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Book Review

Lijiang Stories

by Karunesh Tuli

Years after the death of Chairman Mao Tse-tung, taxi drivers in China began displaying laminated pictures of the Great Helmsman in their vehicles. Believing that his image possessed magical powers that otherwise belonged to local... Read More

Book Review

The Science of Consequences

by Kristen Rabe

The principles of rewards and consequences—along with stories of Pavlov’s dog or the rat in the maze—are such core assumptions in our culture, they’re almost cliché. Susan Schneider quickly moves beyond the cliché, however, in... Read More

Book Review

The Lantern

by Diane Gardner

In "The Lantern", an intriguing tale that effortlessly spans time and place, award-winning author Joanne Lewis presents a mystery of Italian architectural history that follows two women’s quests to break free from their past, address... Read More

Book Review

Rez Salute

by Jack Shakely

Jim Northrup is the most insightful and humorous person on the Fond du Lac reservation in northern Minnesota. And Fond du Lac is to Northrup what Lake Wobegon is to Garrison Keillor or Yoknapatawpha County was to William Faulkner. Fond... Read More

Book Review

Dave Bing

by John Senger

As a sports biography, Dave Bing: A Life of Challenge, by Detroit sportswriter and columnist Drew Sharp, is well-researched and well- written. As the story of a black family living in the United States in the latter part of the twentieth... Read More

Book Review

Get What You Want

by Dindy Yokel

Life today is increasingly lived online, where one can read anything and participate in events, lectures, and seminars all without leaving home. Looking for a book club? 860,000 results come up when one Google’s “Skype Book Clubs,”... Read More

Book Review

Selling To China

by Barry Silverstein

Increasingly, American businesses have turned to global markets for growth and profitability. One of the countries with the most business potential is China, but it has typically been a market restricted to only the largest corporations.... Read More

Book Review

Emir Abd el-Kader

by Christine Canfield

His bravery and chivalry in war would garner the admiration of even his enemies, but his strength of character and spirituality would extend that admiration to the whole world. The Emir Abd el-Kader rose to prominence in the 1830s as the... Read More