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Reviews of Books with 275 Pages

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that have 275 pages.

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Book Review

Devil Dancer

by Thomas Kachadurian

The day after prize stallion Devil Dancer is shot in his paddock, private detective Wendell Clay meets a woman over some jumper cables and then gets hired to solve the crime; neither turns out to be what they seem. "Devil Dancer" is a... Read More

Book Review

Should Christians Prosper?

by Kristine Morris

James H. Hooks responds to the question “Should Christians Prosper?” with a resounding “Yes!” in this Bible-based study of the Christian path to financial prosperity. However, that “yes” comes with a caveat: to enjoy a... Read More

Book Review

Plato for Everyone

by Elizabeth Millard

For those who aren’t steeped in philosophical study, the type of questions posed by a major philosopher like Plato can seem difficult to grasp without a knowledgeable guide. Fortunately, former professor Aviezer Tucker, author of Our... Read More

Book Review

The Lie That Is Lincoln

by Mark McLaughlin

Calling Carl Sandburg and other Lincoln scholars “ass-lickers,” “imbeciles,” and “sycophants,” and denigrating all previous biographies, histories, and works on America’s sixteenth president as “bullshit” is not the... Read More

Book Review

The Sentimental Terrorist

by Mark McLaughlin

“Now I see Nine/Elevens being inflicted on my own country,” laments Mohsin Khan, the educated, thoughtful Afghan protagonist for whom Rajesh Talwar named his magnificent and powerful thriller, "The Sentimental Terrorist". This is not... Read More

Book Review

Branded Beauty

by Claire Posner

For many women, and quite a few men, a beauty product of some kind ranks as an absolute must-have before leaving the house. A 2010 survey of over 8,000 French women revealed that 25 percent would not consider leaving the house without... Read More

Book Review

German Voices

by Elizabeth Breau

Historians have long speculated about the extent to which the German people supported or colluded with the ideology of the Third Reich. While the devastating economic effects of the Versailles Treaty and a centuries-deep well of... Read More

Book Review

Through Travel and Error

To someone who’s never ventured beyond their homeland, the world outside can seem like a very scary and unforgiving place. At least that’s how it seemed to Matt Hamilton before he embarked on his two-year journey to parts unknown.... Read More

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