Books We've Reviewed from Oxford University Press

Book Review

East of Asia Minor

Most Americans and Europeans see the Roman Empire as centered on Greece, France, Britain, and Spain. Relatively little thought is given to Rome in North Africa and the Near... Read More

Book Review


“As a boy, I saw my dad cry on only three occasions,” writes Jason Colby. “One was his father’s funeral. The other two involved dead orcas.” Colby’s father had been... Read More

Book Review


"PTL" is a fascinating study of the ignominious collapse of an evangelical empire. John Wigger’s "PTL" covers the famed Christian media empire of Tammy Faye and Jim Bakker.... Read More

Book Review

Jane Crow

Rosalind Rosenberg’s long-delayed biography, Jane Crow: The Life of Pauli Murray, uses the papers of Pauli Murray deposited at Radcliffe’s Schlesinger Library to give voice... Read More

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