Books We've Reviewed from Graywolf Press

Book Review


Ogden Walker—biracial, former Marine, sheriff’s deputy, main character in Percival Everett’s latest novel, "Assumption": a man who prefers fly fishing to firearms and... Read More

Book Review


At the heart of David Szalay’s exquisite yet maddening novel "Spring" is a love story. What’s exquisite is the writing. What’s maddening is its inconclusiveness. The... Read More

Book Review

Life on Mars

It is as alien as one might suppose, Life On Mars, and yet there are familiarities—David Bowie, head cocked; Universal Studios, prolific as ever. In her third collection of... Read More

Book Review


This is lawless country. The terrain of these stories is the West, the prairies and fields of small-town America, where working the gravel pits or freight yards is as high as... Read More

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