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  2. Poetry

Book Review

Eugene Nadelman

by Jeff Fleischer

In Michael Weingrad’s slim, nostalgic literary novel "Eugene Nadelman", a nerdy Jewish boy comes of age in 1980s Philadelphia. Eugene shares his first name, and the book its format, with Alexander Pushkin’s novel-in-verse Eugene... Read More

Book Review

Journey Bread

by Michele Sharpe

Wisdom and wonder permeate the decade’s worth of poems collected in "Journey Bread". Ruth Thompson’s insightful poetry collection "Journey Bread" is provocative in celebrating the stages of contemporary women’s lives. Divided into... Read More

Book Review

Treasures of the Heart

by Michele Sharpe

The excitement of initial desire, long-term admiration, and the devastation of loss are all addressed in the love-themed poetry collection "Treasures of the Heart". Oliver Forward’s short poetry collection "Treasures of the Heart"... Read More

Book Review


by Michele Sharpe

An earthy collection that honors loved ones in universal tones, "Knowing" is a poetic source of respite. Mark Cox’s poetry collection "Knowing" is a confident, gentle retrospective on human connections. The book is divided into four... Read More

Book Review

White Doe

by Matt Sutherland

Phanopoeia, explained Ezra Pound, is “the throwing of an image on the mind’s retina” on the “visual imagination.” When she flits between wolves and space trash, glass eyes and does and “bruised skin of milk,” Maria Williams... Read More

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