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Book Review

Black and Blue in Harlem

by Eileen Gonzalez

"Black and Blue in Harlem" is a character-driven mystery about a mistake that costs two people their lives and the detective determined to find out the truth. A boozy private eye looks into the death of a child services worker while... Read More

Book Review

The Nurseryman

by Camille-Yvette Welsch

The characters of Arthur Allen’s "The Nurseryman" follow the trail of Martin Frobisher, explorer of the great North, who “discovered” Meta Incognita, now part of Baffin Island. Written in sixteenth-century style, the book’s... Read More

Book Review

Dig Down

by Shana Creaney

In this action-driven thriller, the antihero lead gets what he deserves, much to the audience’s delight. Damian Myron’s high-tension action thriller "Dig Down" is the story of Robbie Moore, an American financial advisor who’s on... Read More

2016 Finalist for Writing

2009 Finalist for General

2011 Finalist for Juvenile Fiction

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