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Book Review

What the Living Do

by Luke Sutherland

A novel of beauty and bracing nuance, "What the Living Do" follows a woman’s reconciliation to the pains of her past in pursuit of a better future. With precise language and bold themes, Susan E. Wadds’s novel "What the Living Do"... Read More

2023 Finalist for Travel

Book Review

The Outlook for Earthlings

by Karen Rigby

Next to dazzling, bohemian Scarlet, self-effacing Mel seems circumspect. In the episodic vignettes of Joan Frank’s painstaking character study, "The Outlook for Earthlings", the two friends’ lives are traced across decades with... Read More

Book Review

Saxxons in Witherston

by John M. Murray

"Saxxons in Witherston" is a murder mystery that focuses on optimism and community more than the crimes themselves. In Betty Jean Craige’s cozy mystery "Saxxons in Witherston", a town attempts to repel a hate group while solving a... Read More

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