How Whole Brain Thinking Can Save the Future

Why Left Hemisphere Dominance Has Brought Humanity to the Brink of Disaster and How We Can Think Our Way to Peace and Healing

2016 INDIES Winner
Gold, Body, Mind & Spirit (Adult Nonfiction)
2016 INDIES Finalist
Finalist, Philosophy (Adult Nonfiction)
2016 INDIES Finalist
Finalist, Self-Help (Adult Nonfiction)

Whole Brain Thinking offers a thoughtful message of hope that transcends today’s polarizing culture.

How Whole Brain Thinking Can Save the Future, by James Olson, promises to act as an antidote to the frazzled and fragmented nature of today’s world, wherein daily life can feel overwhelming with stress, confusion, and a lack of stability. Is inner peace possible? Olson shows that such an ideal is truly within reach.

The author examines the characteristics and functions of both brain hemispheres to find ways to achieve and maintain equilibrium inside one’s self and with the world. While popular thinking focuses on identifying which side of the brain is a person’s primary, Olson contends that each person needs both sides, and that valuing each is the way to a more peace-filled life. Olson shows that people’s beliefs about contentious issues such as sexuality, abortion, and war depend on their perceptions, which are conditioned by their perspective on their experience. In turn, their perspective is determined by which brain hemisphere is dominant, and whether and how their two hemispheres interact.

The author’s multidisciplinary approach harnesses neuroscience, philosophy, and careful observation to bring depth and balance to the project, and to make it accessible to all audiences. Olson’s tone and style is clear, concise, and accessible across academic realms and areas of interest. Audiences will have much to ponder and apply as they better understand the functions of their own brains—and how those elements affect their perceptions of the world.

This second edition has been reorganized, its key ideas are further developed, and it contains fascinating new ideas that make it an essential step forward in its author’s body of work.

How Whole Brain Thinking Can Save the Future offers a thoughtful message of hope that transcends today’s polarizing culture.

Reviewed by Melissa Wuske

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. No fee was paid by the publisher for this review. Foreword Reviews only recommends books that we love. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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