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  2. Books Published May 2012

May 2012

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published May 2012.

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Book Review

Romantic Spirits

by Dindy Yokel

An intriguing account of an art movement below the Mason-Dixon line, and what set it apart from Northern counterparts. Romantic Spirits: Nineteenth Century Paintings of the South, The Johnson Collection is by the esteemed Southern art... Read More

Book Review


by Emily Asad

Battered women often feel trapped in their marriages. Carol James’ "Katie", a Western romance set in both Dodge City and Denver following the Civil War, follows one such woman as she finds the courage to break the cycle of abuse. Katie... Read More

Book Review

Don Quixote

by Mark McLaughlin

“We would willingly have pardoned the translator if he had not brought Ariosto into Spain and translated him into Castilian, for he has stripped away much of Ariosto’s genius. This is a fault incident to all those who presume to... Read More

Book Review

Be Still

by Sheila M. Trask

The title of Tania L. Ramos’s second novel, "Be Still", reflects the story itself: simple on the surface, but with layers of meaning beneath. The book is a contemporary tale about the relationships between family members and how they... Read More

Book Review

When Science is Silent

by Sheila M. Trask

Modern society trusts science. We look to the scientific method for solutions to problems ranging from individualized medical treatment to international space exploration. But what about the things science doesn’t address? What about... Read More

Book Review


by Sheila M. Trask

“Wind and water and shoreline can’t be changed. We have to work with the elements as they are.” So writes longtime Buddhist practitioner and social worker Hill Anderson in "Stoneport", a sophisticated novel that explores the... Read More

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