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  2. Books Available for $14.77

Reviews of Books Priced $14.77

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that are available for $14.77.

Book Review

Cargo of Hate

by Wayne Cunningham

Fans of sailing and seafaring stories will find Kermit R. Mercer’s Cargo of Hate: A Sailing Story to be a rewarding read. General readers, however, will find it to be something of a struggle, albeit one worth enduring. In the preface,... Read More

Book Review


by Margaret Cullison

Romantic fantasy novels enjoy great popular appeal. Whether in print or e-book form, they offer readers escape into imaginary worlds inhabited by heroines and heroes who, despite many obstacles, experience supernatural events that change... Read More

Book Review


by Catherine Thureson

Treasures: Gold, Oil and Wives tells the compelling historical tale of Thomas Chatfield, a sixteen-year-old boy from Cornwall, New York, who is discontent with his lot in life. Thomas works at a cotton mill and is a younger son in a... Read More