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Reviews of Books with 337 Pages

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that have 337 pages.

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Book Review

Stupidparty: Math V. Myth

by John Senger

With wit and cynicism, Andendall turns a critical eye on the Republican Party, contributing important insight to an ongoing political debate. Stupidparty: Math V. Myth: Unmasking the Destructive Forces Eroding American Democracy, from... Read More

Book Review

A Spartan Game

by John Senger

“It’s amazing the number of people who still contact me and tell me about the positive influence my father had on them. They know what his life was all about. I wish that there was some way to let today’s generation know that his... Read More

Book Review

Alexander Girard

by Meg Nola

Alexander Girard was born in New York in 1907, grew up in Florence, Italy, received a degree from Rome’s Royal School of Architecture, and subsequently began one of the design field’s most fascinating and exhaustive careers. Little... Read More

Book Review

Shark Girls

“Random things happen, and these are the things that change everything else.” *Shark Girls’*s second sentence succinctly states one of its themes—the long-term consequences of accidents that occur in one horrible moment. The book... Read More

Book Review

Big Easy

Forget it Jake — it’s Chinatown. —Robert Towne Chinatown screenplay 1973 Not far into Eric Wilder’s New Orleans crime and voodoo novel "Big Easy" the underlying structure begins to strongly suggest that of a screenplay. Utilizing... Read More

Book Review

Global Shift

What is a rational, idealistic, but skeptical reader to do? With an impressive grasp of science, history, and philosophy, psychologist Edmund J. Bourne in Global Shift: How a New Worldview is Transforming Humanity presents strong... Read More