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Book Review

All Mine!

by Pallas Gates McCorquodale

A patient teacher helps a group of temperamental toddlers peacefully navigate the dos and don’ts of sharing toys at playtime in a surprising story about encouraging the development of generosity through ownership. Young children will... Read More

Book Review

Paperback Crush

by Jaime Herndon

"Paperback Crush" by Gabrielle Moss is an immersive examination and commentary on teen and tween fiction from the 1980s and ‘90s. It’s sprinkled with personal opinions and memoir elements as well as interviews with authors like... Read More

Book Review

Coral Whisperers

by Barry Silverstein

An exhaustive scientific report on the health of the coral reefs, shown to be critically important to the earth’s future, "Coral Whisperers" draws upon years of research. Through her in-depth interviews with one hundred coral... Read More

Book Review

How to Love the Universe

by Anna Call

Suffused with genuine wonder and affection for the beauty of particle physics, "How to Love the Universe" is an informative and entertaining entry into a challenging field. Contrary to the implications of its title, "How to Love the... Read More

Book Review

Cherry Blossoms

by Karen Rigby

Somewhere in between destiny and chance, a man who has bitterly withdrawn from the world receives an invitation to rejoin it in Kim Hooper’s "Cherry Blossoms". Thirty-four-year-old sardonic Jonathan Krause plans to commit suicide after... Read More

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