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Book Review

The Phoenix Elite

by Gabriella Harrison

Moved along by constant action scenes and ever-present mysteries, The Phoenix Elite: Sacred Blood is a thrilling novel in which a dark genetic engineering plot is set into motion. The first book in a series, C. T. Clark’s science... Read More

Book Review

Genesis to Revelation

by Mary McNichol

"Genesis to Revelation" takes an enlightening multidisciplinary approach to biblical interpretation. In "Genesis to Revelation", Michael McPadden proposes approaching the Bible with the worldviews of its authors in mind. As a challenge... Read More

2006 GOLD Winner for Autobiography & Memoir

2005 Finalist for Political Science

Book Review

Lily's Story

by Melissa Wuske

Lily’s Story is a satisfying look at one life as it crosses many eras—from 1840 to the 1920s. Lily’s Story by Don Gutteridge is an intriguing account of one woman’s life that shows how her identity grows and changes from her... Read More

Book Review

The War Around Us

by Cheryl Hibbard

Born in Germany during World War II, Wolfgang Peter May experienced the horrors of war even before he could walk. Later, as a naturalized American citizen, he served as an officer in the US Army, first in Germany and then in Vietnam. In... Read More

Book Review

Facing Fascism

“The people can always be brought to do the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists as for a lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger.” -... Read More

Book Review

Anna's Ring

by Elizabeth Allen

Israel and Palestine appear regularly in the news but American readers may know little about the embattled region. Anna’s Ring a historical fiction novel by Anni Bodmer aims to make the current Holy Land crises comprehensible and to... Read More

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