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Book Review

The Christmas Mouse

by Karen Rigby

An orphaned mouse skitters through shifting, sometimes magical circumstances in the fantastical chapter book "The Christmas Mouse". In DJ Lenhart’s seasonal chapter book "The Christmas Mouse", an orphaned mouse yearns for... Read More

Book Review

My Son Christopher

by Aimee Jodoin

Paying tribute to a firefighter lost in the 9/11 attacks, "My Son Christopher" is an endearing picture book. Maureen Crethan Santora’s memorial picture book "My Son Christopher" is a heartrending tribute to a firefighter who died on... Read More

Book Review

Out of the Silence

by John M. Murray

A determined lawyer fights to see a sadistic criminal punished in the tense thriller "Out of the Silence". In Marie Theodore’s intense legal thriller "Out of the Silence", a determined attorney seeks to right a past wrong by personally... Read More

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