Independent Women

Creating Our Lives Living Our Visions

Applause to Debra Sands Miller! This book certainly educates and reeducates us on conceptions of independence and its connection to each of us as females in this society.
Forget the reluctant thought that you may be diving into another philosophical book of feminism (not that there is anything wrong with a book on feminism theory, but often these are more philosophical than practical). Instead, Sands Miller’s book is an uplifting book of experiences of independence by hundreds of other women that attacks myths and misconceptions.

Independent Women confronts many of the historic myths that society as a whole, male and female, have attached to women who identify themselves as “independent.” As one woman states, “One of the biggest parts of redefining independence is undoing the myth behind independence—that in order to be an independent woman, you can’t have a partner, you can’t have a family.”

After confronting our misconceptions this book utilizes women’s stories to then help us recreate the meaning of being an “independent woman.” Thoughts from other women like:
“I think that being independent means that you know what makes you happy—what supports your being a full person.” Sands Miller does a great job reminding us that identifying ourselves as “independent” is not a ticket to isolation, but with it comes obligation: responsibility to self, family and society.

While the word “independent” languorously rolled around in my head at the start of this book I found it had become a great word of empowerment when I turned the last page. Independent Women has changed how I think and describe myself as a single woman in this society. The book best leaves us with these thoughts about ourselves, “Independence is freedom to become the best person you are.”

Reviewed by Michele McDonald

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. No fee was paid by the publisher for this review. Foreword Reviews only recommends books that we love. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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