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Book Review

You Talkin' to Me?

by Matt Sutherland

A veritable language factory, New York City may very well deserve its preferred moniker of being the greatest city in the world, at least when it comes to its influence on the way that English is spoken. The telling fact is that New... Read More

Book Review

Short Circuits

by Matt Sutherland

In an ideal world, we would be no shorter or taller than we need to be, no thinner or heavier, smarter or dimmer. We would be what we needed to be. Similarly, writing need not be short or long to be what it needs to be. When the work is... Read More

Book Review

Latin Inscriptions

by Matt Sutherland

Ever so generous, the ancient Romans left future history buffs all manner of Latin-inscribed relics to fawn over, from massive stadiums and temples to milestones, tombs, tableware, and coins. For most of us, the letters and numbers... Read More

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