Embrace Inverse Vibrations

Clarion Rating: 4 out of 5

Embrace Inverse Vibrations is a science fiction odyssey about how all life is connected, and about the consequences of forgetting that fact.

A man with no past and no future goes on a fantastical journey of self-discovery in Adam James Chouinard’s science fiction novel, Embrace Inverse Vibrations.

After spending an eternity by the sea for reasons he never thought to question, Davis awakens to the possibility of more. He abandons his predictable existence in search of something he cannot begin to understand, at least not yet. He soon realizes that there is far more to his lonely world than he ever imagined. What began as an arduous but straightforward mission becomes a quest to save an entire realm—and himself.

The narrative’s structure and use of poetry are reminiscent of classic fairy tales. Davis encounters many strange beings and wondrous places on his travels, many of which may be interpreted as allegories of modern life. There is the city of Inanimis, obsessed with bureaucracy and content to sacrifice natural resources with its wasteful, destructive practices. There is a large, lonely mole who always keeps digging, even and especially when he is lost. And there are two warring political parties that divide the people they are supposed to guide and serve. These adventures, as the book reveals later, are drawn from Davis’s own memories in clever and unexpected ways. Illustrations at the start of each part reflect Davis’s journey, with the whole and true image only becoming apparent at the very end.

An array of unique settings add danger and excitement to Davis’s journey. With each completed task, Davis learns more about himself and his responsibilities as a human. He fights against every lesson, but in the end, he learns the wisdom and value of each. Actions have consequences, not all of which can be undone. But being human is not about being perfect; it is about admitting your mistakes and doing all you can to atone for them.

The book overuses adjectives, though, leading to cluttered sentences. The pace is slow but steady, and only suffers when conversations run too long. This is especially apparent in Part Six of the novel, though the pace picks up again in its seventh and final part, when Davis completes his journey. His reward is a hard-won inner peace that will see him through to his next adventure, wherever it may take him.

The book’s ending might be viewed as happy, sad, both, or anywhere in between. This is a fitting conclusion: part of the story’s appeal is its willingness to explore difficult issues and acknowledge that life is often too complicated to fully understand. This makes Embrace Inverse Vibrations a good choice for anyone who wants their science fiction to make them think.

Embrace Inverse Vibrations is a science fiction odyssey about how all life is connected, and about the consequences of forgetting that fact.

Reviewed by Eileen Gonzalez

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book and paid a small fee to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. Foreword Reviews and Clarion Reviews make no guarantee that the publisher will receive a positive review. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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