1. Book Reviews
  2. Books Published November 2, 2009

November 2, 2009

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published November 2, 2009. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in November 2009.

Book Review

Jem and the War

by Cheryl Hibbard

English author Gordon Thynne lived in the West Riding of Yorkshire for a few short years during his youth. Those years were so memorable that he has drawn upon them in writing his first novel, "Jem and the War". World War II started... Read More

Book Review

The Snowbound House

by Mary Popham

As its title suggests, the poems in The Snowbound House contain images of dichotomies: cozy, frightening, warm, freezing. Relaxing in the comfort of home competes with thrilling danger. With the house as setting and metaphor, the poet... Read More