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  2. Nature

Book Review

How Birds Fly

by Kristen Rabe

Peter Cavanagh’s "How Birds Fly" is an enlightening examination of the aerodynamics of bird flight. A rare science book that includes dazzling photographs of birds from around the globe, including hummingbirds, songbirds, raptors, and... Read More

Book Review


by Kristen Rabe

Jules Acton’s comprehensive and delightful book "Oaklore" covers the science, history, and mythology of Great Britain’s oak trees. Noting that only 13 percent of the United Kingdom is covered by trees, this intriguing book focuses on... Read More

Book Review


by Kristen Rabe

"Hedgelands" is Christopher Hart’s entertaining examination of the history, ecology, and value of an essential British landscape feature: the hedgerows that border fields throughout the countryside. In his illuminating book, Hart... Read More

Book Review

City Nature

by Hannah Pearson

"City Nature" is an earnest, delightful foray into the possibilities of urban agriculture. Martha Retallick’s coffee table book "City Nature" showcases urban agriculture through a photographer’s passionate lens. The Sonoran Desert is... Read More

Book Review

The God of Wild Places

by Rebecca Foster

Tony Jones’s meditative memoir "The God of Wild Places" is about leaving the ministry but remaining alive to spirituality through outdoor adventures in Minnesota and further afield. It was Jones’s childhood ambition to become a... Read More

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