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11 results for published: 2018-04-02

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Book Review

Father Divine's Bikes

by Mari Carlson

Father Divine’s Bikes is a haunting historical novel about a city’s coming of age. Steve Bassett’s novel, Father Divine’s Bikes, exposes postwar Newark’s underbelly. Following two related murders, circulation wars between major... Read More

2018 GOLD Winner for Women's Studies

2018 Finalist for Juvenile Nonfiction

2018 Finalist for Literary

2018 BRONZE Winner for Historical

2018 Finalist for Anthologies

Book Review

Short Circuits

by Matt Sutherland

In an ideal world, we would be no shorter or taller than we need to be, no thinner or heavier, smarter or dimmer. We would be what we needed to be. Similarly, writing need not be short or long to be what it needs to be. When the work is... Read More

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