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5 results for published: 2012-10-19

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2012 Finalist for Crafts & Hobbies

Book Review

The Haunting

by Jill Allen

The chilling cover of Thomas Morley’s potentially effective second book, "The Haunting", invites ghost lovers to see what lurks within. Ethereal lettering hovers above the misty maw of a dark door. The haunting in mention happens to... Read More

Book Review

Devils or Angels

by Camille-Yvette Welsch

The struggle between good and evil has long fascinated humankind. With "Devils or Angels", Dan Roberson enters the fray, confronting questions about absolute evil and absolute good. While this book breaks no new ground, it offers... Read More

Book Review

Wars at Work

by Barry Silverstein

While managers in companies large and small may be loathe to admit it, much of their time is likely spent on trying to prevent “wars at work,” as Kaveh Mir calls them. “Almost every workplace issue can be traced back to a clash... Read More

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