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89 results for price: 7.99

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Book Review

Emily and Sam

by Karen Rigby

Fun and illustrated with cartoon humor, the mystery novel Emily and Sam: The Mad Scientist Next Door follows twins who take a less than scientific approach to investigating their new neighbor. In Dave Cole’s entertaining mystery novel... Read More

Book Review

Archie and Pip

by Danielle Ballantyne

A softened primary palette reflects the gentle nature of this picture book about two brothers facing and overcoming back-to-school anxieties. Pip is starting first grade; he’s worried that his little brother, Archie, won’t need him... Read More

Book Review

Detective Lambchild

by Aleena Ortiz

In the mystery novella "Detective Lambchild", people both good and evil get their just deserts. Christian values guide the unfortunate and downtrodden bystanders who are caught up in a crime in M. Lawrence Moore’s mystery novella,... Read More

Book Review

Accidental Sisters

by Michele Sharpe

"Accidental Sisters" is a tender memoir about adoption and about love within families, both biological and not. In "Accidental Sisters", Katherine Linn Caire’s uplifting memoir about finding her sister in middle age, coincidence and... Read More

Book Review

The Principle of 18

by Melissa Wuske

"The Principle of 18" is a self-help guide designed to help people attain joy and fulfillment, one life stage at a time. Eyal N. Danon’s "The Principle of 18" is a self-help book that aims to help people infuse every stage of their... Read More

Book Review

A Conversation with an Angel

by Kristine Morris

"A Conversation with an Angel" is a compelling Christian novel in which a young boy is guided toward his destiny. In Jan Cooper’s insightful Christian novel "A Conversation with an Angel", a man who had a lonely childhood discovers... Read More

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