The Planet Remade

How Geoengineering Could Change the World

That industrial civilizations have altered the Earth and its atmosphere for the worse is beyond doubt, but geoengineering offers possible solutions, using human engineering to improve the climate. In The Planet Remade, veteran science writer Oliver Morton covers many aspects of the issue, from the damaging of the ozone layer (and the mitigation of that damage), to the pluses and minuses of energy options such as nuclear plants and solar generators, to the acidification of the ocean and the impact on the climate of a nuclear attack or accident. In each case, he looks at the problem and at possible geoengineering solutions, effectively outlining the risks and rewards, while acknowledging the challenges that must be overcome before these options gain widespread acceptance. Morton accomplishes the difficult task of explaining high-level scientific concepts in pragmatic terms, with enough history, first-person reporting, anecdotes, and humor that The Planet Remade is as enjoyable to read as it is informative.

Reviewed by Jeff Fleischer

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