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  2. Performing Arts

Book Review

Made in Italy

by Aleena Ortiz

A prized violin becomes akin to a living, breathing object within a musician’s family in the wrenching, informative memoir "Made in Italy". Thomas Walter Kelley’s memoir "Made in Italy" recounts his and his wife’s astonishing time... Read More

Book Review

Disney In-Between

by Willem Marx

"Disney In-Between" is a exhaustive account of the company’s two-decade transformation, starting with the 1966 death of Walt Disney. Stephen Anderson’s encyclopedic book "Disney In-Between" covers the history of the Walt Disney... Read More

Book Review

Closer (Than You Think)

by Joseph S. Pete

Grounded in close studies of novels, academic theory, and various stage and screen adaptations, this incisive play vivifies the lives and works of literary greats. Trenchant and insightful, S.C. Hays’s stage play "Closer (Than You... Read More

Book Review

Straight Lady

by Eileen Gonzalez

"Straight Lady" is the untold story of an iconic, underappreciated talent who helped to shape early Hollywood comedies. Chris Enss and Howard Kazanjian’s "Straight Lady" is the biography of Margaret Dumont, best known for playing... Read More

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