There Is No Planet B

There is No Planet B cover


A round of applause for There Is No Planet B, a foolproof guide to sustainability in an age of excess. Ever wondered about the carbon footprint of your lunch? Not sure what a carbon footprint is at all? With nine chapters organized into questions on everything from “Should I go vegan or veggie?” to “Should we frack?”, Mike Berners-Lee has provided an answer to any and all fossil-fuel-burning questions related to being a more conscientious steward of the planet. With accessible, often humorous language and easy-to-decipher charts and graphs, the book breaks an often indigestible topic into bite-size chunks, and an Alphabetical Quick Tour at the back provides an even broader-strokes summary of key topics for overwhelmed or intimidated readers. An engaging, entertaining education on the impact of and practical solutions to climate change, There Is No Planet B is sure to delight both the environmentally conscious and the eco-curious.

There Is No Planet B by Mike Berners-Lee, Cambridge University Press, Softcover $12.95 (300pp), 978-1-108-43958-9

Danielle Ballantyne

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