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2016 Finalist for Literary

2016 Finalist for Literary

2015 Finalist for Multicultural

2015 Finalist for Mystery

2014 Finalist for Historical

2010 Finalist for Anthologies

Book Review

Tricks Every Boy Can Do

by Vernieda Vergara

"Tricks Every Boy Can Do" offers a meditation on how family both molds and transforms us. The contentious relationship between two identical brothers takes center stage in Paul Buchanan’s "Tricks Every Boy Can Do". People are defined... Read More

Book Review

Love's Affliction

by Meg Nola

This subdued, bittersweet novel explores themes of racism and romance. Love’s Affliction by Fidelis O. Mkparu tells the story of a troubled romance, with young lovers Joseph and Wendy not so much star-crossed as race-crossed. Set in... Read More

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