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3 results for published: 2009-06-29

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Book Review

Man with a Golden Heart

by Mark McLaughlin

Satya Sri is a doctor, not a poet. He is also a man in great pain, and one who has turned to poetry to give voice to that pain. While not a great work of art, Man With A Golden Heart is Sri’s honest, sincere, and brave attempt to find... Read More

Book Review

The Sixth Session

The most hardened investigators are disturbed when they come across the corpse of a child; they’re even more disturbed when they find out it’s a baby who is partially dismembered. This gruesome specter starts off Joe Hefferon’s... Read More

Book Review

Defenders of the Scroll

In the tradition of Edward Eager’s children’s classics, the young heroes in this exciting fantasy novel must figure out how to use—and thwart—a magical item before it either thwarts or kills them. When eleven-year-old Princess... Read More

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