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45 results for published: 2004-03

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Book Review

The Bridges in Edinburgh

by Linda Salisbury

The wordplay in the title sets the stage for a book that is both travel guide and fast-paced mystery. The publisher intends to create bridges of understanding among cultures through its “Going to” series. “Bridges” is also the... Read More

Book Review

Leading Lady

by Carol Lynn Stewart

In London, at the turning of the nineteenth century to the twentieth, Bethia Rayborn, happily engaged to her childhood sweetheart, dreams of their life together as she designs and creates costumes for productions at the Royal Court... Read More

Book Review

My Turquoise Years

“If 1960 were assigned a color it would be turquoise.” A unique hue of blue-green represents the author’s own Proustian memory trigger in this charming, funny memoir of her formative years growing up in a small Canadian beach town.... Read More

Book Review

Cartographica Extraordinaire

“So geographers in Afric’ maps / With savage-pictures fill their gaps; / And o’er uninhabitable downs / Place elephants for want of towns,” commented Jonathan Swift. Cartography, that age-old science that combines beauty with... Read More

Book Review

Notes on Leaving

The difficulty of humanness—the state of flawed consciousness in which human beings exist—is the key to this collection of poems inspired by memory and imagination. This poet seems to understand the necessary mistakes that people... Read More

Book Review

Where Do the Balloons Go?

by Anna Stewart

A childhood toy for many generations, balloons—and balloon animals—are found in scores of children’s stories. Remember when Curious George gets a whole bunch from the balloon man and flies over the town? In this book, Nick loses... Read More

Book Review

Robert Takes a Stand

by Carolyn Bailey

Third-grader Robert Dorfman starts a demonstration for animal rights and learns that the issue is not as simple as it seems. In his zeal to “protect the earth and all its creatures” he plans a protest in front of his local fur... Read More

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