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4 results for published: 2001-04-04

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Book Review

The Salt Hour

by Janet Holmes

Abundant with beaches, sails, and spray, these poems celebrate both the seductiveness and the destructive power of the sea, letting the fact of its unpredictability become a metaphor for human behavior. “The future has its limit, but... Read More

Book Review

Fictional Teeth

Just as teeth are an important, yet dispensable, tool among the survival skills that humankind still applies to life, so is literature, especially in its traditional forms of poetry and fiction. This book metaphorically alludes to one of... Read More

Book Review

The Secrets of Code Z Case No. 5

by Linda Cooley

“Snow day” are two of every school-aged kids’favorite words, and for sixteen-year-old Orville Jacques, they become days to foil the CIA and solve murder mysteries. Orville is the hero of a new series of mysteries set in the... Read More

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