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718 results for writer: matt

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LIS 2024 Official News Release

by Matt Sutherland

For Immediate Release / April 15, 2024 / Contact: Christopher Nesbit, / christopher@forewordreviews.com / Foreword Reviews is pleased to announce the final speaker lineup for Library Insights Summit (LIS), a day-long, pre-ALA event... Read More

Book Review

Yaguareté White

by Matt Sutherland

Moving through the ambiguities of language—English, Spanish, and Paraguay’s Indigenous Guaraní—the grin of a big cat shadowing his every unstealthy step through North and South American habitats and fixed ideas of manhood, Diego... Read More

Book Review

Sailing without Ahab

by Matt Sutherland

Herman Melville—mystic, orca oracle, and madness miner—left treasures of material for poets in Moby-Dick, and Steve Mentz found his muse in the idea of an Ahab-less Pequod—a multiracial, queer, and cruisier ship on a bountifully... Read More

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