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11 results for published: 2003-12-15

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Book Review

In the Shadow of Greatness

by Emily Alward

Movie stars hire publicity agents and managers, but surely geniuses don’t. Yet Albert Einstein had one, in function if not in title. Helen Dukas helped shape Einstein’s image as the saintly old man we remember today. This massive... Read More

Book Review

Duty, Honor, Victory

by Ron Kaplan

The ceremonies commemorating the second anniversary of September 11, 2001 remind Americans how relatively lucky they have been, how relatively unscathed by the horrors of the violence that occurs on foreign shores. It also reminds... Read More

Book Review

Delivering Rome

by Pam Kingsbury

The Learning Literature Series from Sound Room Publishers uses colloquial and vernacular language and contemporary images to tell the great stories of literature and history to young adults. This CD book takes the birthday of... Read More

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