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Book Review

Blood Will Tell

by Emily Alward

Are vampires evil? Or are they pitiable, if scary, creatures of instinct and an unknown order of reality? Ever since 1897, when Bram Stoker’s Dracula turned folk legend into melodrama, horror writers have offered many different answers... Read More

Book Review

The Master Of Monterey

by Emily Mead

Based on the true story of an overzealous U.S. Naval officer’s premature and misguided invasion of Alta California in 1842, this historical farce is as insightful and sympathetic as it is cutting and funny. The author earned his... Read More

Book Review

Soledad Suspiros

by Bryn Lynch

Sigh-sighs. Soledad, a Puerto Rican girl, earns her nickname from all the sighing she does around the house in her New York City neighborhood. Her mother and father both work at night, so when Soledad comes home from school the house is... Read More

Book Review

Dear Mr. Leprechaun

Young Marty writes: “Dear Mr. Leprechaun. What do you look like. Draw it on the back. Thank you, and tis the best of the year. Good luck, Martin.” This simple note begins Dear Mr. Leprechaun. Burton, a writer for professional... Read More

Book Review

Aliens from Earth

by Kate Husband

The best science books for children are grounded in young people’s backyards and lead children around the globe and to new understandings of how the natural world works. This accessible ecology book for readers ages eight to twelve... Read More

Book Review

How I Became a Human Being

“Society has defined a human being as someone who can bear the major responsibilities required for a self-directed life; I was not a human being. I didn’t feel I could control anything except my mouthstick and my mind.” Paralyzed... Read More

Book Review

The Lewis and Clark Journals

“Ocian in view! O! the joy.” Such was the exclamation raised by Captain William Clark as he, Captain Meriwether Lewis, and their party caught sight of what they believed was the Pacific Ocean on November 7, 1805 after traversing... Read More

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